At Work With...Mary McConaghy

WHO SHE IS: Web Coordinator, University Archives and Records Center


WHAT SHE DOES: McConaghy shares Penn’s archives with a wider audience via the web. That involves creating databases and inventories and scanning in boxes and boxes of photographs and historical documents—2,600 so far. “We started out using images to make the web site look pretty,” says McConaghy, “but it became a much bigger tool for making primary documents available online.” McConaghy also puts on web exhibits. “They used to be kind of small. Now they’re huge. ‘Penn in the Age of Franklin’ has about 600 web pages.”

NUMBER OF EVENTS PER YEAR: Between 35 and 45.

FAVORITE ARCHIVAL OBJECT: An early 20th-century home movie of the artist Henry O. Tanner walking the streets of a European city.

WHY HER JOB SUITS HER: "For me, life is a web and here I am working on a web.”

Mary McConaghy