Post-release coat/clothing drive

Each month, almost 3,000 people are released from the Philadelphia Prison System. Many are completely unprepared for the freezing weather conditions they face.

The School of Social Policy & Practice’s (SP2) Goldring Reentry Initiative is organizing a University-wide coat and winter clothing drive. Donations will be made to the Philadelphia Prison System and distributed directly to people as they are released.

Donation bins are located in the lobby and student lounge of the Caster Building, 3701 Locust Walk, and the lobby of SP2’s Research Building, 3815 Walnut St. Gently used coats, jackets, sweatshirts, sweaters, gloves, mittens, hats, and scarves for men and women are appreciated.

To donate or for more information, email

The coat and clothing drive runs through Friday, Feb. 28.